Introduction to JavaScript: Guide for beginners

Introduction to JavaScript: Guide for beginners

The Beginner's guide to understanding the Lingua Franca of the web...

What is JavaScript?

JavaScript (JS) is the most popular programming language on the web. It is used mainly for enhancing the user's interaction with web pages. However, you need to understand how JavaScript works before you can use it to create magic.

It is a scripting or programming language that empowers you to perform complex activities on website pages. Scripting languages are coding languages used to automate processes that users would otherwise need to execute on their own. Without scripting, changes on web pages would require Users to either manually reload the page, or navigate a series of static menus to get to their wanted content.

Wikipedia describes JavaScript as, "A high-level programming language which has dynamic typing, prototype-based object orientation, and first-class functions." JavaScript also has application programming interfaces (APIs) for working with text, dates, standard data structures, and the Document Object Model (DOM).

The History of JavaScript

The programming language, JavaScript, was developed by Brendan Eich in 1995. It first appeared in "Netscape," a popular browser of that time. The language was initially called LiveScript and was later renamed JavaScript.

Many Programmers often confuse JavaScript with Java - another programming language, but they are not similar in any way. Java is a complex programming language, unlike JavaScript which is only a scripting language.

What is JavaScript used for?

  • To add interactivity to websites: JavaScript makes a website become more than a static page of text.
  • For developing mobile applications: JavaScript isn’t used for just websites; it’s also used to create applications.
  • For creating web browser-based games: Have you ever played a game directly from your web browser? JavaScript was used to create that!
  • Back-end web development: Although JavaScript is mostly used on the front end, it’s versatile and can be used on the back end as well.

How does JavaScript work?

Being a scripting language, JavaScript cannot run on its own. But depends on the web browser to execute its code. Thus, the language is supported by all modern web browsers such as Chrome, Firefox, etc. It also runs on any operating system.

For starters, you will need a code editor to run your codes and a browser of your choice to display your programs. Then, JavaScript is either added directly to a page’s code using the script tag.

These are some of the core features of JavaScript

  • Client Edge Technology: The client edge technology allows Clients to have full control over the content being updated in servers.
  • Else and IF Statement: These statements are used to perform logical operations.
  • Validation of User’s Input: This allows Users to interact with Clients by filling out forms through web pages. The validation then helps the client to validate the details entered by the user.
  • Case Sensitive Format: JavaScript codes are Case Sensitive. This explains the lack of difference in the output whether the codes are written in Upper or Lower Case Format.
  • Light Weight and delicate: Codes written in JavaScript have lightweight and delicate features. Thus, the codes don’t include variables and use only objects to perform the operations.

As you learn further, you’ll eventually hear the term “vanilla Javascript.” What does that mean?

Vanilla JavaScript is the JavaScript language “as it is” without using any tools (frameworks and libraries) to make the coding process easier or more efficient. Frameworks and Libraries are tools used in advanced JavaScript to make coding easier, some of them are JQuery, and React JS.

I hope this article has given you a good enough insight into this scripting language called JavaScript. Thanks for reading